Thursday, March 23, 2006

Higher IQ of Primary Sch Children than University student!

Can't the topic convince you? In our life, we are making our brain to think more complicated as we grow older. Most of you will laugh it off and think, "How would this happen?" Yes, you may find this so amusing but let's have a test to prove it.
Prepare yourself a piece of paper and a pen. Do this IQ test that published on 14th February from Lian He Wan Bao. Make sure you record the duration you spent to complete this IQ test.

An athletic set to finish certain distance in 5 days. First day she completed running of 1/5 of the set distance. On the 2nd day, she completed 1/3 of the remaining distance. On 3rd day, she completed 1/2 of the remaining distance. On the fourth day, she completed another 1/4 of the remaining distance. Thus, she has remaining of 24 metres for the fifth day. Please calculate how much distance she had completed.

Please compare the answer below

Calculations from some of my University friends:

There is another solution taught in primary school:

It is actually more time-consuming and complicated for the solution 1. However, this is the most common approach by University undergraduate. I will have less confidence in my own calculations [because too complicated] and needed at least 7 minutes to solve it. In contrast, primary school solution is very short and clear. It is an easy approach and the chances of making mistake are very low. It just took me less than 3 minutes to solve the IQ test by using primary school technique.

So I would say primary school children in the University undergraduates. Very sarcastic, huh? Face the reality, we human always complicate the things instead of simplifying them. Let’s start viewing things from different angle. Perhaps we may find a lot of good ideas and solutions in our life.
Get going and keep it up!!!!!



Blogger season said...

walau.. seeing those figures making me headache.. i hate mathematics.. :P hahha.. but good that you love it, it proves that you are smart lah.. :p

1:15 PM  

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